Our team
Each member of our Firm has something unique to offer and plays a critical role in achieving our clients’ goals. When you work with us, you will have the right attorney for your matter, and we will be responsive and motivated by your goals.

Alex Berenstein
Partner Sioux City, Iowa
David Briese
Partner Sioux City, Iowa
Adam Carlson
Attorney Sioux City, Iowa
Mick Connealy
Managing Partner Sioux City, Iowa
Brianna Eaton
Attorney Sioux City, Iowa
Matt Gaul
Attorney Sioux City, Iowa
Zachary Greder
Attorney Sioux City, Iowa
John Hines
Partner Sioux City, Iowa
Kyle Irvin
Partner Sioux City, Iowa
Marci Iseminger
Of Counsel Sioux City, Iowa
Darrell Jesse
Partner Dakota Dunes, South Dakota
Jeffrey Johnson
Partner Sioux City, Iowa
Kaleigh Koch
Attorney Sioux City, Iowa
Cody McCullough
Managing Partner Sioux City, Iowa
Blake Miller
Partner Sioux City, Iowa
Samantha Perryman
Attorney Sioux City, Iowa
Ryan Ross
Managing Partner Sioux City, Iowa
Jeremy Saint
Partner Sioux City, Iowa
Michael Schmiedt
Partner Sioux City, Iowa
Laura Schmitt
Partner Sioux City, Iowa