
Kyle Irvin

Kyle specializes in estate planning, estate administration, and estate litigation. He has served as an adjunct college and law professor, and as senior trust counsel. As a private practice attorney, he has won cases in both the Iowa Supreme Court and Nebraska Supreme Court and established new legal precedents after years of hard work fighting for his clients. Kyle is a trusted ally in your corner for all of life's challenges.

Office Sioux City, Iowa

329 Pierce St #200
Sioux City, IA 51101

Contact 712-224-7593
Practice Areas
Estate / Wealth Planning

Q: Tell us about your practice.
A: My practice focuses on helping people plan to pass on a legacy to their family, and the many forms that can take.  Whether it’s a farm, business, family cabin, or a cherished heirloom, everyone wants to leave a positive impact for the next generation, and I have the privilege of designing plans to achieve that.

Q: When did you decide you wanted to work in the law?
A: My dad was a history and government teacher for my high school and as a family we were always interested in legal tv shows and news. I grew up with a fascination of the law.

Q: What do you love most about being an attorney?
A: I enjoy the teaching aspect to being a lawyer where we breakdown complicated concepts or questions into things that everyone can understand.  All professions have unique vocabularies that can be intimidating, but lawyers are at their best when they can create a common understanding so that everyone can help with the plan or help solve the problem.

Q: Why did you want to work at Crary Huff Law Firm?
A: Crary Huff is a tremendous collection of great lawyers and good people. Having practiced law in the region for several years now, there is something special about working with people who do a great job for their clients and their community.

Q: Favorite hobbies/things you enjoy doing outside of work?
A: My family and I are trying to visit all the national parks, so we are often planning trips to visit and hike around our country’s great national parks.

Bar Admissions
Iowa State Bar
Nebraska State Bar
South Dakota State Bar

Affiliations and Memberships
Iowa State Bar Association / Chair of Probate and Trust Section- 2016-2017
Nebraska State Bar Association
State Bar of South Dakota
Woodbury County Bar Association
Iowa Academy of Trust and Estate Counsel board of directors
American College of Trust and Estate Counsel fellow
Iowa Trust Association - President

Northwestern College (B.A.)
University of South Dakota (Master's in political science)
University of Iowa College of Law (J.D.)

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